Online Dharma Study Course
The online Dharma study course is a six-month course led by Rebecca Li, typically starting in December and ending in May. Each year, the course is focused on different topics selected to support the community of practitioners. Previous classes included teachings on The Six Paramitas, The Three Studies of Upholding Precepts, Cultivating Samadhi and Developing Wisdom, and Cultivating Compassion. These classes offer a unique opportunity to engage with the practice and come together as a community to share and learn from one another. All classes are held via Zoom.
General Class Structure:
A month before each class meeting, everyone will listen to a pre-recorded Dharma talk given by Rebecca Li. Participants can choose and practice the parts that resonate by integrating the teaching into their daily life throughout the coming weeks prior to the Zoom gathering.
A reflection sheet is provided to support the practice and participants complete and submit their reflections to Rebecca prior to class.
Participants may elect to be a part of the fishbowl* or they may be recruited to be part of the fishbowl activity.
Meetings are held monthly on Zoom, typically on the 2nd Wednesday of the month starting at 8:30 pm EST.
This is a unique and dynamic class structure with the goal to provide an opportunity for everyone to share how their practice went for them.
Typical Class Schedule
8:20 pm EST: Optional 10-minute meditation period
8:30 pm EST: Official class starts promptly
Welcome: Rebecca invites select participants to briefly share how their practice experience went for the month.
Breakout Rooms: The class will be broken down into smaller more intimate groups to support those who have not already shared with the opportunity to reflect on their practice.
Fishbowl Activity: Everyone returns to the larger group, and select practitioners chosen in advance will be in the fishbowl to share their thoughts and practice while the rest of the members observe the conversation.
Q&A: Rebecca will answer questions participants had submitted on their Reflection Sheet.
*What is a fishbowl?
In order to be equitable and ensure everyone has a chance to share, a "fishbowl" format will be implemented for group discussions. For each meeting, there will be a select group of individuals who will be in the "inner circle" of the fishbowl. This group will share and discuss the talk and their practice with it. The rest of the members in the "outer circle" will be invited to observe and take notes on:
What has been shared that resonates with them
Their own experience that has not been expressed by others
Points they would like to have clarified