One-Day Online
Meditation Retreat
This is an at-home online retreat led by Rebecca Li. It is typically a full-day silent retreat from 9:45 am to 6 pm EST (6:45 am to 3 pm PT). The retreat is conducted via Zoom, and participants join by video during sitting meditation periods.
Sample Retreat Schedule
Note: All times listed below are in Eastern Standard Time
9:45 am - Log-on to Zoom, Brief Introduction
10:00 am - Guided Sitting Meditation
11:00 am - Eight-Form Moving Meditation
11:45 am - Dharma Talk & Sitting Meditation
12:45 pm - Work Meditation or Eating Meditation; One-on-One Interview
2:15 pm - Sitting Meditation, Q&A
3:30 pm - Walking Meditation
4:00 pm - Work Practice or Eating Meditation; One-on-One Interview
4:30 pm - Sitting Meditation
5:30 pm - Group Sharing and Closing
6:00 pm - End of Retreat
Retreat Recommendations
When you attend a retreat at a temple or retreat center, you’re away from home and everything has been prepared for you. But a retreat at home requires some preparation. Below are recommendations to help prepare for this unique opportunity to practice intensively at home. Please note there are no absolute right or wrong ways to do these things, and everyone’s experience of the retreat will be different.
Your family and housemates: Have a discussion with them about your retreat day. Let them know this is a silent retreat, so even if you are moving around your home, you will not be speaking to them at all during the day and need to keep interactions to a minimum. You may want to share a copy of your retreat schedule and plan, to help them support you and alleviate any anxiety they might have about disturbing you.
Your children: If you have children, it is best to make arrangements to have someone care for them for the duration of the retreat so you are able to maintain the silent practice.
Your space: Think about where you want to have your retreat. Set up your cushion or chair. Have a space nearby where you can do moving mediation in place. Think about where you will do your walking meditation: perhaps a hallway, or around the perimeter of a room, or even outside in your backyard or driveway.
Your technology: You will need access to Zoom meetings for the whole day. Make sure every space you plan to use has Internet access. Think about what device or devices will be best for you to accomplish this. You may want to use different devices for the walking meditation and the sitting meditation and Dharma talks. Make sure Zoom is downloaded on every device you plan to use, and that you have the link to the meeting easily available on each device.
A retreat day is a day to be unplugged. Turn off all ringers, sounds, and notifications on your phone, and on all other devices you plan to use.
Your timekeeper: During the breaks you will be stepping away from whatever device you are using to join the retreat. Keep a hard copy of the retreat schedule with your notes on hand. You will need a way to keep track of the time and remind you to return to the retreat when the break is over. If you have decided to put away your phone for the day, a simple kitchen timer can work.
Your pets: Your dog may need to be walked during the day, or your cats fed, or your pets might need attention in some other way. If possible, arrange to have someone else in your household care for your pets during the retreat. If it’s not possible, look over the retreat schedule and plan to care for your pets during the scheduled breaks.
Your lunch: There will be a lunch break, starting at 12:45 pm ET. Have a plan for your lunch. Think about whether you’d like to cook something then, or prepare something in advance. Either way, shop and prep in advance so you have what you need. Consider eating a vegetarian meal for lunch.
Your break/work period: To minimize distractions we recommend the following activities to engage with during the break or work period:
Exercise: Go for a walk, stretches, yoga
Household chores: Clean, vacuum, do laundry, organize drawers or cabinets
Relax: Enjoy a cup of tea, take a short nap